Our love for Mother Earth and the gratitude we feel for the gifts it offers us gave us the impetus to make the decision in October 2016 to create our own cooperative that will aim at the production, packaging, standardization and promotion of products. in the domestic market but also abroad. The headquarters of our cooperative will be the area of Melivoia. Somewhere at the foot of the imposing Kissavos are collected our products which are apples, cherries and chestnuts.

Products tested and certified as they cover all the required health needs with such high quality that it will cover even the most demanding palates. We want as an agricultural cooperative to write our own history in the field of agricultural products and to pass on our knowledge to the younger.



The main task of the cooperative is to honor our products with the distinction of "Protected Designation of Origin" and "Protected Geographical Indication". Distinctions that will certify that our products are of high standards.

More details

"Designation of origin" means the name which identifies a product which originates in a specific place, region or, in exceptional cases, country, the quality or characteristics of which are due primarily or exclusively to the particular geographical environment which includes native and human factors, and of which all stages of production take place within the defined geographical area.

"Geographical indication" means the name which identifies a product which originates in a particular place, region or country, of which a particular qualitative characteristic, reputation or other characteristic can be attributed mainly to its geographical origin and of which at least one of the production stages are performed within the demarcated geographical area.


Our products are produced with the Integrated Management System. It is an alternative to conventional production, environmentally friendly, as the producer drastically reduces the use of chemicals and the uncontrolled application of cultivation interventions.

We, as producers, are obliged to follow specific production rules, according to the instructions of an agronomist supervisor and to keep records of the practices we apply, in order to ensure consumer health and protect the environment by being conscious producers.

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